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21 photos (Return to Kite Surfing)
Kite Surfing (2)
Image Width: 5541
Image Height: 3614
Bits Per Sample: 8 8 8
Photometric Interpretation: RGB
Samples Per Pixel: 3
Planar Configuration: Chunky
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh
Modify Date: 2010:07:24 15:22:03
Artist: Dan Heller
Copyright: Photo (c) www.danheller.com
Color Space: sRGB
Exif Image Width: 265
Exif Image Height: 178
Coded Character Set: UTF8
Coded Character Set: UTF8
Coded Character Set: UTF8
By-line: Dan Heller
City: Pescadero
Province-State: California
Country-Primary Location Name: USA
Copyright Notice: Photo (c) www.danheller.com
Location: San Simeon, California
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Keywords: west coast, california, surfing, kite surfing, western usa, coastal views, horizontal, kites