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Brown Noddy (9)
ylw-text.gif Brown Noddy (also called Common Noddy) Anous stolidus galapagensis
Image Width: 5760
Image Height: 3840
Bits Per Sample: 8 8 8
Photometric Interpretation: RGB
Image Description: Brown Noddy (also called Common Noddy) Anous stolidus galapagensis
Make: Canon
Camera Model Name: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Samples Per Pixel: 3
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)
Modify Date: 2013:08:19 00:30:31
Artist: Dan Heller
White Point: 0.313 0.329
Primary Chromaticities: 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
Y Cb Cr Coefficients: 0.299 0.587 0.114
Y Cb Cr Positioning: Co-sited
Copyright: Photo © www.danheller.com
Exposure Time: 1/250
F Number: 14.0
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
ISO: 5000
Sensitivity Type: Recommended Exposure Index
Recommended Exposure Index: 5000
Date/Time Original: 2013:08:07 10:24:40
Create Date: 2013:08:05 09:23:03
Shutter Speed Value: 1/256
Aperture Value: 14.1
Exposure Compensation: -1
Max Aperture Value: 5.7
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Flash: No Flash
Focal Length: 300.0 mm
Color Space: sRGB
Exif Image Width: 270
Exif Image Height: 187
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Owner Name: Dan Heller
Serial Number: 022021006957
Lens Info: 70-300mm f/0
Lens Model: EF70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM
Lens Serial Number: 0000207e23
Gamma: 2.2
GPS Latitude Ref: South
GPS Latitude: 0.053107
GPS Longitude Ref: West
GPS Longitude: 91.559550
GPS Altitude Ref: Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude: 8 m
GPS Time Stamp: 14:24:38.01
GPS Satellites: 12
GPS Status: Measurement Active
GPS Measure Mode: 3-Dimensional Measurement
GPS Dilution Of Precision: 2.3
GPS Speed Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Track Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Img Direction Ref: Magnetic North
GPS Img Direction: 241
GPS Map Datum: WGS-84
GPS Dest Latitude Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Dest Latitude: 0.000000
GPS Dest Longitude Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Dest Longitude: 0.000000
GPS Dest Bearing Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Dest Distance Ref: Unknown ()
GPS Date Stamp: 2013:08:07
GPS Differential: No Correction
Sub-location: Isabela
Date Created: 2013:08:05
Object Name: brown-noddy-09.jpg
Country-Primary Location Name: Ecuador
Caption-Abstract: Brown Noddy (also called Common Noddy) Anous stolidus galapagensis
By-line: Dan Heller
Copyright Notice: Photo © www.danheller.com
Time Created: 09:23:03+00:00
Province-State: Galapagos Islands
Location: Isabela, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
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Keywords: equator, browns, ecuador, latin america, birds, galapagos islands, noddy tern, noddy, horizontal