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Pelilieu Beach Tanks
ylw-text.gif This was the very beach where the US Marines landed on their first invasion of Peliliu in Palau. The tanks shown in this book were the ones used to attack the beach head. The Japanese were able to defend the beach from heavily reinforced concrete "pill boxes" using machine guns and air power (the famous aluminum "zeroes"). The US attack was expected to take 3 days, but it took them 7 days to get further than just the beach. The temperatures had exceeded 155 degrees (F) that day, and soldiers only had 2 canteens of water to last them the entire time. The battle for Peliliu eventually took 74 days, and cost more than 1,500 American lives, and over 10,000 Japanese.

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Country-Primary Location Name: Palau
Credit: Dan Heller
Object Name: pelilieu-beach-tanks.jpg
Caption-Abstract: This was the very beach where the US Marines landed on their first invasion of Peliliu in Palau. The tanks shown in this book were the ones used to attack the beach head. The Japanese were able to defend the beach from heavily reinforced concrete "pill boxes" using machine guns and air power (the famous aluminum "zeroes"). The US attack was expected to take 3 days, but it took them 7 days to get further than just the beach. The temperatures had exceeded 155 degrees (F) that day, and soldiers only had 2 canteens of water to last them the entire time. The battle for Peliliu eventually took 74 days, and cost more than 1,500 American lives, and over 10,000 Japanese.
By-line: Dan Heller
Copyright Notice: Photo (c) www.danheller.com
Keywords: us artifacts, tropics, beach, palau, pelilieu, tanks
Location: Palau
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Keywords: pelilieu, tanks, vertical, us artifacts, tropics, palau, beaches