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16 photos (Return to Africa Montage)
Polio Victim
ylw-text.gif Polio Victim Atlas Mountains, Morocco

An old Berber woman from Morocco was once crippled with Polio, but a visiting American doctor took pity on her and spent his own money to take her to the United States where he performed corrective surgery. After physical rehabilitation and a remarkable recovery that enabled her to walk virtually unassisted (using only a small cane), she returned to her family to find that her own people had rejected her, jealous of the opportunity she had abroad. Cast out from her village, she is now an alcoholic who begs for food and money in the streets.

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Country-Primary Location Name: Africa
Credit: Dan Heller
Object Name: toothless.jpg
By-line: Dan Heller
Copyright Notice: Photo (c) www.danheller.com
Keywords: toothless, montage, africa
Location: Mali
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Keywords: square format, toothless, montage, africa